Monday, February 21, 2022

Bitesize fiction. A nightmare - part 1

I had a terrible dream. I was in a war zone, a terrible, horrible war. And some people then came and pointed guns at me, pointing towards a car. I don't remember what I said, but one of them hit me over the head and I blacked out. Just a dream though, nothing more. A terrible nightmare. Time to wake up and...


Was it my head exploding in pain? Or was that... a real bomb? Am I still dreaming?

I try to open my eyes, but a cloth is tightly tied over them. My head is reeling with a dull pain and I can taste blood in my mouth.

Boom! Bang! Bang-bang!

I can feel those resounding in my brain. More explosions? Gunfire? I need to get out of here!

I try to get up, but I can't. I can't even feel my arms, but I am sure my legs are tied up. Then reality comes smashing back and sheer panic overwhelms me.

"Help! Someone help! Don't hurt me!" My voice comes out raspy. I must have breathed in a lot of dust.

A sudden thought stops me. What if I am actually making it worse? I should shut up and listen, get my bearings, make a plan of escape.

There are definitely sounds of gunfire and bombs, followed by buildings crumbling and people screaming.

Where am I? I am lying on my side, but on something soft, maybe a sofa. I can't stretch my legs, something is blocking them. Am I in that car? There is no movement, no engine running, maybe not.

Where are those people who blackjacked me earlier? Maybe I'm in that car, but then where are they now? There is no other human sound close by.

I wriggle my head against the cushion I am sitting on, trying to loosen my blindfold. I manage to peek under it to see I am indeed in a car -

The door opens quickly and I hear a hushed voice urging me: "Don't say a word! I will get you to safety."

My hands and feet are untied and I painfully regain feeling and movement in them.

I push off my blindfold, turning to face - hopefylly - my savior.

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