Friday, August 11, 2023

Bitesize fiction. The girl in black



"Come back for me!" I heard her call as I was running away.

I didn't turn around. I knew she would be there, patiently waiting for me. But she could be my undoing. I had to get away!

The portal wasn't going to be open for much longer. I could see it in front of me, getting closer with each step I took, but still so far away. Would I make it in time? It was already starting to blur around the edges, rippling like the wavelets of a lake. Soon, it would close.

A quick, sharp jab and I was knocked off my feet and onto the ground. What?

"I said, come back for me!"

Her voice was shrill and inhuman. It couldn't be... Had she already been corrupted?

I lifted my eyes to look at her. She stood there, towering tall, taller than before and it seemed like she was elongating, up towards the sky. Oh no...

"Why did you run? Why did you leave me? Don't you know I need you?" she screamed like a banshee.

I got up quickly, glancing at the portal. It was already narrowing, like a pair of eyelids closing. My last chance was fading away. I had to run now, or else I'd miss it! My foot stepped towards it, but her yell cut across the air like a knife, halting me.

"Don't even think it! You belong here. With me!"

I breathed slowly and looked up at her. Into her eyes. The girl in black. With black, abyss eyes.

She looked back at me. No... She was looking through me. She was no longer capable of seeing anymore. She knew only rage and it was blinding her.

"Come here," I whispered to her softly.

She frowned.

"Come here and talk to me," I insisted. "Come into my arms."

I lifted both arms towards her. For a long moment, she didn't react in any way. Then I saw something break in her, a tension releasing. She crumpled to the ground.

I knelt beside her. She was small, smaller than before. She was shivering, but her black eyes now held a soul again. She looked at me through her tears.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "The thought of losing you made me lose my mind... I'm so sorry."

"I know. Don't worry. We all break sometimes." I closed my eyes and held her in my arms as she wept quietly. Her body convulsed with tears. We sat like that for a while, until the trembling stopped and the tears flowed no more.

She looked up at me.

"Thank you," she said simply. Then she looked around. "Oh... but the portal. It's gone."


She turned towards me again. "Look into my eyes."

I did. Her black eyes, dark as midnight on a cloudy sky. Their darkness seemed to glow and grow, expanding out of their rims.

"What is this?"

But she didn't reply. Those eyes were no longer eyes, they were a rippling dark pool, overflowing over her entire being. Soon, there was nothing left. Nothing left of the girl in black. Instead, there was a portal.

I screamed.

There was no answer, just the portal's surface, rippling from the edges towards the centre. She was gone. She had given herself away so I could escape.

So I could move on.

I caressed the pitch black surface gently and then I stepped through.




PS: I have added the song that inspired this piece. I might do that again in the future, if it feels relevant.


  1. What I get from this read is the choices each of us makes! Touching 💝 Will return later to hear the song ;-P

    1. Thank you! This one is actually about separation and how some people in our lives who care about us become too possessive, to the point of stifling us, so we need to move away from them. But sometimes they themselves realise it and let go, even if it hurts them.
      The song is something random I found while browsing and chose it as a prompt to write this.

    2. I looked at it from the angle of the decisions each of the individuals took in their relationship. She could've chosen to continue her hold; he could've chosen to continue through the portal. Their decisions (or sacrifice if you will) led to a kind of freedom.
      Same as yours but highlighting a different aspect. 💗

    3. I see what you mean. Yeah, that's the thing with something a bit more abstract, we can each see something a bit different in it.


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