Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bitesize fiction. The flower in the window

The light outside was growing dim and it was dark in the room. She lit a small lamp and set it on the windowsill. Next to it, there was a small pot with a tiny lily of the valley in it. Its suave perfume wafted gently in the air.

Everything was still in the room, in the house. The floorboards screeching, the wind bellowing outside seemed too familiar, yet so far away. The fire was crackling in the hearth, warming up the air and making the room seem almost less empty.

She drew the curtain to the side and looked outside into the distance. The sharp winter wind was blowing the snow left and right into a storm. The naked tree branches were bending, refusing to break under the onslaught. The road was empty, as far as she could see. No man or animal would venture outside on such an evening. Maybe only the wolves, driven by hunger, were leaving their dens to roam the woods for prey.

Soon, it was too dark to see anything and she let the curtain drop over the window with a sigh.

The fire crackled and the wind continued its wail. On the windowsill, there was a small lily of the valley in a pot. The flower was withering. Many evenings had passed since he had given her the flower, since the winter had come back biting, since he'd left. The lamp flickered feebly in the window, waiting.


  1. Hi Lavi!

    I had read this yesterday, but was in a hurry at the time, so didn't leave a comment. Thought I'd pop back today, rather and let you know...I WAS HERE!

    You do seem to have a fascination with presenting 'gloomy' (DARK) scenes? It certainly sets the mood quite dramatically...I did enjoy this piece and could imagine the setting quite vividly from the descriptiveness of your words. I also felt a sadness for your potagonist...waiting (longing) for her absent (missing) loved one.

    The lily of the valley flower reminded me very much of my long-deceased grandmother - the scent (perfume) from these was her absolute favourite. She always wore Lily of the Valley eau de toilette.

    I'm enjoying these bite-sized pieces of your very much :)

  2. Thank you for dropping by! I have to admit, I'll know you've been here before you get a chance to say so. I don't have other visitors from your country.

    This little story was a reminiscence of old stories I used to read about soldiers' wives waiting for their husbands to come home.

    The lily of the valley is a lovely flower, your grandmother had good taste...

  3. Came back, Lavi...what a lovely explanation for the prompt aspect of this story :)

    I don't think lily of the valley plants are even available in SA...but, my Gran LOVED them (she may have seen some on a trip to England when she was a young bride, the only time she ever left SA). I've also remembered she had a pretty linen and lace handkerchief with lily of the valley flowers embroidered on it. That was something else she did. Collected beautiful hankies!

  4. Hello Lavi, Thankyou for visiting my blog. I have been looking through yours and am enjoying your writings very much.
    This story is so beautiful and evokes strong emotion.
    I shall continue to enjoy reading your stories :D)

  5. Thank you, ladies, and welcome, Susan! I hope I can keep everyone entertained (at least for a while).


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